Thursday, August 31, 2023

Funny Dunny

 Late in June I had to return home for boring but necessary stuff. All done. All good.

Being free to go again, I did. 

The last weeks of July and first few of August I was back up north pretty much covering the same ground as the May/June trip. 

The highlight was stumbling across the Funny Dunny Campground. I'd heard of this place several times over the years but never actually knew where it was. So there I was enjoying the view of the impending sunrise from my mountain top perch and wondered what was actual over there on the coast... Wunjunga and the Funny Dunny Campground.

Now I'm back in Cotton Tree yet again and celebrating the second full moon of August. A supermoon, some say, as the moon is in perigee. Means the closest to earth in it's elliptical orbit around our planet earth. So a super blue moon.

Wunjunga over there somewhere.

Some houses right on the beach!

Expecting to see at least a tinge of blue?
But alas a blue moon in name only.