Saturday, March 2, 2019

Tropical Cyclone Oma.

Tropical Cyclone Oma is headed for the southern Qld coast. This could be a new experience I realize. I've not been in a cyclone before. I make all the recommended preparations and am somewhat unsure how my MH will handle the high winds. Hail has been a real issue before but there is no suggestion of that. Watch and see I decide. Make a run for it if I have to. Probably not recommended.

Anyway, she hooks back on herself and moves away after many very windy days. Anticlimax. But better than what could have happened.

The only losers here are the beachgoers, with high tides and big surf, Oma washes most of the beach sand away leaving coffee rock exposed. Not like it's not happened before.

Tropical Cyclone Oma off the coast of Qld

Satellite view of Australia and TC Oma

The Alex Beach after TC Oma.