Thursday, June 16, 2016

Gin Gin and Calliope River

Late start, easy drive. A bit farther than yesterday, 180km on to Gin Gin. Camped up just north of town at the Gin Gin rest area on the Gin Gin Creek. Lots of caravans, motorhomes and whizzbangers here. It's a bit noisy being on the edge of town where the trucks are either slowing into, or accelerating out of, town.

Gin Gin maximises it's geographical location, being about half way between Brisbane and Rockhampton, on the Bruce Hwy. The town has many trucking facilities, motels, food outlets and pubs. The main street pays homage to the motor vehicle with a wide main and extensive parking all the way through the town.

Next day on to Calliope River rest area, 165km. The Calliope flows on to 
Gladstone and into the Coral sea. The rest area is a lovely spot but it's getting very popular.

Gin Gin Rest Area.

Calliope River Rest Area - south side

Calliope River Rest Area - north side