Saturday, February 13, 2016

BlazeAid - Random Photos

All sorts of things get donated to the BlazeAid Camp but my absolute fav is when a couple of legs of lamb walk in the door. Our hard working volunteer kitchen slaves (mean that in a nicest possible way) do a lamb roast with all the trimmings. Just look at the photo and tell me your mouth is not watering!

On a sadder note it's not always uneventful on the fence line. A farmer's dog alerted us to brown snake just a few metres away but got too excited in the process and ended up being bitten. 30 mins later it was all over for a courageous little Jack Russell.

Lamb Roast, yum!

The view is always something, here in Indigo Valley, it's very picturesque. Even the trees put on a show.

The view down the Indigo Valley.