Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Watchbox Rd

Had a good team working on a tough job in the dust, the dirt and ash.

We looked like black and white minstrels at the end of the day with white only showing where the sun don't shine. Working 5+ hours on each of two days in the midday heat. Chain-sawing, felling, dragging and stacking trees to create a clearway two meters either side of an overgrown and burnt 400m fence-line.

These were young guys, up from Melbourne for the long weekend, to help BlazeAid, help the local farmers. Trial by fire, I thought, and they passed with flying colours. Showing true digger spirit on Australia Day. Tom, on the chainsaw all day, exhausting. Eliza an Aussie who lived most of her life in the USA and Siobhan, her friend, is a native Californian visiting Oz. Together they dragged and stacked logs all day. Well done guys. Joe and Gloria (farm owners) were extremely thankful.

The before shot. - The after shot is black and white :)